Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's October! Time for my fav conference SIWC2014

Well, it's that time of year again. The nights are drawing in, Mabon is over and we're sliding down the darkening days toward Samhain. All Hallow's Eve or Hallowe'en. Just as an aside, I hate it that they've taken the apostrophe out of Hallowe'en. it should be there as the word is a contraction of All Hallow's Eve. But enough of my ranting. LOL Every year near the end of October Surrey School Board hosts the Surrey International Writer's Conference. It's a wonderful weekend full of excitement and positive energy. The conference is for writers, everyone there is an author, some published, some not, some just embarking on the journey. I just approved my ad for the program, it's quite lovely, if I do say so myself.
I'm taking part in a Masters Class with Jack Whyte on the Thursday afternoon. It's a fun session, where each person submits 3 pages of a WIP. Jack reads it out loud and then everyone discusses it. I find it a great help to discover what works and what doesn't in a particular scene. I sent in the ending of my Jack The Ripper novel, No Absolution. I created my own Jack character, cobbled together from the profiles of different suspects and liberally spiced with my own interpretations.

SIWC 2010 with Jack Whyte for a Blue Pencil session

I'm not sure where this one will find a home as it is a departure from what I usually write. I have a Blue Pencil session with Michael Slade and I'm hoping he can tell me if what I've done is working or not. It's always a fantastic weekend and over before you know it. This year the theme for Friday Night Costume Dinner is Spies, Lies and Bad Guys. I'm going as a spy. Not quite sure how that's going to go, but hey, it's fun.

Well I am sad summer is over and my flower garden is a distant memory now, I have Surrey to look forward to and before I know it... it will be Alban Arthan and the light will begin gaining strength again. The Oak King gives up his rule to the Holly King on Mid Summer's Eve and takes it back again on the night of the Winter Solstice. This is the underlying theme of my WIP titles Oak King's Daughter, Holly King's Consort. I'm three quarters of the way through that one, but it's been on the back burner for awhile. Maybe time to dust it off and start adding some words LOL

If you are looking to connect with some great writers think about joining me in Surrey every October for the Surrey International Writers Conference.

My 2012 Flapper Costume

2013 Evil Editor Costume

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